Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cold cycle has been broken

Well I guess it broke over the weekend because we were on the Plaza here is Kansas City having coffee with friends and browsing some of the stores. But today was the first day I was able just to spend sometime outside taking in all the goodness from nature. Over lunch and away from the humdrum job of mine I took a 15 minute walk. There we lots of people walking running and just sitting around. Is it just the sun that improves our moods or is it a combination of, most of the snow being gone, the warmer temperature and the sun? Could it be all of the above and the anticipation of the spring flowers and working in the garden? I know while I was walking today I didn't see any new growth but in my mind I was imagining what it would look like in a month or two. All the plants poking there heads out. Seeing the squirrels chasing each other up and down the trees. People eating lunch in the park or playing fetch with their dogs, music coming from an open window of a car or from a convertible.

All this makes me think I better get busy and order those plants I have been eyeing online be fore they are sold out. That would be my luck.

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