Volunters part 2
This is the second set of volunteer plants I wanted to show. I know it is slow in coming but they are worth looking at, even if I don't know what they are all called.
The first one is Feverfew. It was a pass along plant from the garden club. It likes to reseed itself anywhere it can but is easly controlled by pulling the plants up. It has been used in the past as an herbal medicine for reducing fever. However the flowers on my plant do not match the flowers on the website that I googled that said it had been used as a herbal medicine. Maybe mine is strickly ornamental. I will stick with asprin or other over the counter medication.
Not sure what this annual is called but it comes back every year somewhere in the garden. It grows blooms and then dies. I wish it would bloom all summer but I think the heat get to it.
This is my black eyed susan. Here again it reseeds itself where ever it want to. Here you see it growing next to one of my miniture roses. This is also one that will bloom and die back. It also has a problem with powder mildew. This year it killed back most of what had came up in a huge patch leaving this bear spot. I just set a pot there too make it look like that is how I planned it.This is a vine that came up a month or so ago and I have been waiting to see what it is. It is a moonvine. Not sure how the seed go here but it is nice to see it gowing up the torch pole. I like the look of that. Maybe next year I will try and do that with several other torch poles.
Without volunteers I wouldn't have much of a garden. I really rely on them and I have the same ones each year. The surprise is in seeing what spot they'll pick to grow in! Feverfew is one of my volunteers also and really likes to take over. But not nearly as bad as another volunteer- catnip. I yank a ton of that every year and it's still abundant!
A gardener's life is always full of surprises, isn't it? I love volunteer plants and if I don't know which ones they are, so much the better. I like a bit of mystery in my life. ;-)
Enjoy your blog. At this point, being nearly November, it's fun to see what's still growing and blooming in people's gardens. My volunteers are normally "weeds." (Excepting the mint that someone else planted and I'm still attempting to corral.)
I love volunteers!! They always bring a smile to your face and a bit of mystery to the garden!!! This year the orange zinnia that came from nowhere is still cheering me today..
An additional great thing about volunteers is that the great way to share plants with your neighbors and friends. Several of my neighbors have gotten some starts from my yard of plants that they have admired.
Hope all is well for you both.
Take care, Bob
I have gotten a number of volunteers myself and pass them on now when I divide them in the fall or spring. Black-eyed Susan is a vine over here and an annual. Interesting to see yours. Take good care! Andrea
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