What's New?
I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. I blame it on the puppy, Bonnie. When I try and get on computer she wants to go outside. When she comes in she wants to go back out again. I will take her for a long walk thinking she will get worn out. Wrong, the only one that gets worn out is me! One good thing is she likes the outdoors so that gives me the excuse to be out doors but the bad part is I have to keep an eye on her otherwise she ends up running off. If she sees another person or someone walking their dog she is gone. At least everyone in the neighborhood knows her and where she lives. Anyway enough about her. Here are some pictures of what the garden looks like. But first a couple pictures of what Scott calls the demon dog!
Here are some of the cone flowers. The yellow one is native to Missouri but I guess the purple ones are also.Here is my Bee Balm flower.
This is a plant that I have read about as being a spreader(don't know it's name). I can tell it likes to spread and may be an issue if you don't have a lot of time to tend to your garden. I have found that the little plants pull out pretty easy and the little bit of aggravation is worth the flowers!
This plants common name is Dotted Mint. It reminds me of pineapple top. You might think that mint would mean it spreads a lot. That is not the case for this plant. I have had the plant for the 3rd year now and it hasn't spread at all. Now that is a good mint!
I finish this post with my simple decorations I added to the pot at the end of the driveway to celebrate the 4th of July.